Friday, July 23, 2010


Today I got soaked riding my bike home from the station. I went to Sapporo to meet a friend so we could go to watch some fireworks, but my mobile phone ran out of battery, and we never found each-other haha. So I spent the evening at Sapporo Station, having a little bit of a shop and sitting outside Starbucks to write. It was raining, but not heavily, although as my train pulled into Eniwa Station at 9pm, I stepped outside to a fairly steady rainfall. I got my bike and realised that there was no point in riding fast to try and escape the rain, so I rode slowly and enjoyed it! :P It was about 19 degrees Celsius, so it wasn’t bad or anything, just… wet haha. I got home and my poor host-sister nearly had a heart attack. “すごい雨!”

So that’s about it. I have been so slack in my blog updates, I know. I have them written, it’s just the photos that take up all my time and patience. So if there is a lack of photos, you now know why. You can view any photos I have on my Facebook though. If you’re not my friend, add me!

Today also marks the beginning of Summer Holidays, thank god. Bring it on!! My host family are taking me to the ocean (about a 40 minute drive away, up near Otaru). I haven’t been to the ocean, let alone gone swimming for the whole time I’ve been here, which is actually 6 months today. That’s the longest period of time IN MY LIFE that I haven’t gone swimming or gone to the beach, living in a coastal town and all. It doesn’t feel like that long, but I’ve surprised myself at how excited I am to go to the beach, even if it’s going to be nothing like Australia’s beaches.

Anyway, I’m just rambling now, so until next time!!

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