Saturday, January 8, 2011


Here I am, tomorrow is my last day in Hokkaido. Caaaan't believe how fast it's gone. やばい。

So it's late and I'm tired and I'm sure I'll have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, so I will briefly outline the contents of the past week.

5th January - My official Farewell Party at my Host Rotary Club.

I did my speech and presentation and got speeches done by a few people including the vice principal from my school and my Japanese teacher which were good. We talked and ate and had as much fun as you can at a Rotary event :P nah, I've always liked going to Rotary.

5th January - Final meeting with Mayor of Eniwa.

I went to the City Hall early (8:30am is early for me now lol) and chatted with the mayor, he gave me a Parker Pen with the kanji for Eniwa on the case. Then I got photographed and interviewed by a small group of reporters, and yeah. It was my third time seeing the mayor.

8th January - Dinner with Saitou-san and the dogs.

I went to my favourite Host Family's house for one last dinner with them, also so I could say goodbye to their dogs (Saburoku and Ganjiro). I'm going to miss them :( :( :( :( :(
We ate "shabu shabu" which is like boiled meat and vegetables that you do yourself, and dip in sauce. It's yum. Then we gorged ourselves on cake and yeah, it was a good night :)

The only other thing I've been doing this week is hanging out with the other Exchange kids while I still can. Tonight I went to Sapporo for the last hang-out :( and the last time I'll see Sapporo at night, at least until I come back to visit. But it hasn't sunk in at all that I'm leaving. Not at all.

Anyway... That's all, really. It's getting pretty cold here now, between -5 and -8 degrees usually. Tomorrow is my last day, as I said, and I'll have my last Rotary, last Japanese lesson, and last dinner. But seriously, NOTHING HAS SUNK IN!!! It's crazy. Just at the point where I'm feeling comfortable, it's time to come home. But I'm glad, because I feel like my time here is up. It's time to move onto more things :)

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